
“Attaining The Power Of The Eagle” – Moab, Six Shooter Tower


Moab is certainly a magical place, ripe with inspiring thoughts of a land before time – The time of the dinosaurs and prehistoric life that once roamed these vast plateaued vistas. It is also an ancient and powerful place once inhabited by the ancestral Puebloan people as far back as 3500 BC. These people left behind petroglyphs, etchings and drawings on the red rocks of the canyons and towers, as symbols of their existence and telling signs of how they lived. According to Ellroy Lehi, and Ute Mountain Native American, these sacred areas are imbued with the spirits of Ute ancestors, and considered teachings for newer generators. On a recent expedition, I met up with Ellroy to learn more about Ute traditions, ways of life, history of the land, and the importance of some of its iconic desert towers, especially the Six Shooter Towers near Indian Creek. I found that the land itself is energized with so much, spiritually, physically, and even in its silence. Connecting with the natural world around and climbing the South Six Shooter Tower would not have been the same had I not met Ellroy, and learned just how important preserving all of this is to him and his people.