Timeless elegance and strength. Framed by natural surroundings, these cultural photographic prints stand with quiet dignity, and reflecting traditional craftsmanship and lifestyle.
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Rich Manley, a world-wide adventurer and explorer, has studied archeology, anthropology, and culture. His adventures incapsulate extreme skills and activities such as underwater exploration, trekking and climbing through deserts, mountains and glaciers to reach his destinations. Through the nature of this "off the beaten path" travel, Rich is able to capture organic and stunning photography and video from around the globe. Well versed as a magician, Rich uses his talents of sleight of hand to amaze and shatter cultural barriers an attempt to learn from all those he encounters. An advocate of preservation of wildlife, cultural heritage sites, and the environment, Rich uses the lenses eye to expand the awareness and the beauty of the natural world. Rich chronicles his global expedition as he investigates man-made ecological catastrophes, indigenous cultures, and other compelling stories.